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Comic Quiz
Monday, March 25 – Saturday, March 30
2024-03-25 00:00:002024-03-25 23:59:00America/ChicagoComic QuizLook at our poster to identify comic and graphic novel characters for your chance to win a bundle of graphic novels. Winners will be contacted the week of April 1.
Downers Grove Public Library -
Monday, March 25 All day
Add to Calendar2024-03-25 00:00:002024-03-25 23:59:00America/ChicagoComic QuizLook at our poster to identify comic and graphic novel characters for your chance to win a bundle of graphic novels. Winners will be contacted the week of April 1.
Downers Grove Public Library -
Look at our poster to identify comic and graphic novel characters for your chance to win a bundle of graphic novels. Winners will be contacted the week of April 1.
Contact the Kids Room Desk at with questions.