We'll discuss Foul Days by Genoveva Dim. Books are available at the Adult and Teen Services Desk one month before each discussion.
As a witch in the walled city of Chernograd, Kosara has plenty of practive treating lycanthrope bites, bargaining with kikimoras, and slaying bloodsucking upirs. There's only one monster she can't defeat: her ex, the Zmey, known as the Tsar of Monsters. She's defied him one too many times and now he's hunting her. Betrayed by someone close to her, Kosara's only choice is to trade her shadow - the source of her powers - for a quick escape. Unfortunately, Kosara soon develops the deadly sickness that plagues shadowless witches, and only reclaiming her magic can cure her. To get her shadow back, Kosara will have to face the Foul Day's biggest threats without it. And she's only got twelve days.
Books will be available at the Adult and Teen Services Desk one month prior to the program.
Contact the Adult & Teen Services department at ATS@dglibrary.org for more information.