Participate in one-off adventures with characters and materials provided. This League is open to everyone, from new players who have yet to learn, to seasoned veterans looking for a new campaign.
From a ruined theater in the run-down Puddles district of Absalom, a goblin hero and self-styled king rules over the nearby goblins. Shifting foundations beneath the playhouse have revealed ruins from Absalom's early history, and the goblin king has put out a call for explorers to search the area and clear out its dangers. The Pathfinder Society has answered the call. They aren't the only group that is interested, however, and they must prove themselves to earn the right to enter these lost chambers.
An adventure for level 1 through 4 characters.
Contact the Adult and Teen Services Desk at or call (630) 960-1200 with questions.
AGE GROUP: | Teens | High School | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Registration Required | In-Person Program | Games |